Admins: Member account management

As a Fiverr Pro admin, you can invite people (members) to join your account and have one place to track your account's orders, have a shared payment method, and collaborate efficiently.


Different types of account member roles

Type of account role



  • Invite new members, remove members, or withdraw invitations sent to potential members
  • Create, manage, and track projects and finances
  • Place orders

Billing manager

  • Invite and manage finances
  • Place orders
  • Multiple members can have billing manager permissions


  • Create, manage, and track projects
  • Place orders
  • Multiple people can be members
Learn more with Account members.


How to manage members of your account

All account management actions can be managed via the account member's page.

There, admins can:


How to invite additional people to join your account

Note: Invitations can be sent to email addresses for non-Fiverr users, however, they will need to sign up and create a Fiverr Pro account to collaborate as a member.
Learn more about Onboarding and creating your account.
  1. Log in > Click your Profile picture > Member.

  2. Click on the Invite members button, found in the top right corner of the page.

  3. In the pop-up window, add their email address.

  4. Choose the role you'd like to assign: Member or Billing manager.

  5. Click Yes, Invite.
invite members to join_member.png

Note: The person added will receive an email with the invitation and their status will be listed as "Pending" until the invitation is accepted.


How to change a member’s role/status

  1. Log in > Click your Profile picture > Members.

  2. Select the dropdown arrow beneath the "Role" label and choose the desired option (account, Billing manager, etc.)

  3. To deactivate, click the three dots (...) to select the action you’d like to take.
Note: After you remove members from the account, they will no longer have access to the workspace, and will only be able to see orders they have placed.
Removing a member will also automatically deactivate (close) the member’s account.
If you would like to assign a different member to be the admin, the admin will automatically become a member.
Note: If the admin didn't assign another member before leaving, a current member will need to contact Customer Support in order to change it.


Leaving your Pro account

Only admins have the ability to leave (close) their Fiverr Pro account and go back to a personal Fiverr marketplace account. All member accounts will be automatically closed if the admin chooses to deactivate or remove them from the account.

If a member has left the account (or was removed by the admin), their account will be closed and can’t be restored. However, members are welcome to create a new Fiverr account for personal use.
Note: Please contact Customer Support for special cases in reactivating an account.


How to close your Fiverr Pro account
and convert it to a personal Fiverr marketplace account

Note: You are required to remove (deactivate account) all members from your account before closing the account. How to close your Fiverr Business account.png
  1. Log in > Click your Profile picture > Administration.

  2. Scroll down and click Close Fiverr Pro Account.
closing your account.png



  1. What happens if the invitation is not received?
    If for some reason, the invitation was not received, you can resend invitations under the account section. This will send the email to your member again.
    We also recommend checking that the email address is correct and that it didn't go to spam.

  2. Can I delete a member's invitation?
    Yes, you can withdraw invitations under the Account section—as long as the member hasn’t accepted the invitation.
        • Click the ellipses (...) next to the member you sent the invitation to > Withdraw.

  3. What happens if I delete an invitation?
    When you delete an invitation, the email invitation will expire, and won't allow them to join the account. The invitee will be notified that the invitation has expired.

  4. How many members can join my Pro account?
    As many as you need—there is no limitation.

  5. Can I change a person’s role before they accept the invitation?
    You can send a new invitation to the person to override the existing one, or you can withdraw the invitation.
      • Click on the ellipses (...)on the pending invitation > select the action you’d like to take.

  6. Can I make another user an admin instead of me?
    Yes, you can define another admin for your account.
    You'll see the option to set a member as admin using the action menu via the account member page (Click on your Profile picture > Administration > Account members).

    Note: In this case, the admin would automatically become a member. If the admin didn't assign another member before leaving, a current member will need to contact Customer Support in order to change it.

    Learn more with Account members. If you need additional assistance, please contact Customer Support.

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