Hourly work for freelancers

Eligible freelancers or agencies can now work on Fiverr Pro on an hourly basis, alongside your existing fixed price, to gain more flexibility, accommodate any project, and build long-term client relationships. 

Hourly orders are ideal for:

  • Expanding your service offerings
    Expand your services and attract clients with diverse project needs.

  • Adapting to client needs:
    Be prepared to adjust the scope as projects unfold and have more flexibility if a client's requirements change.
  • Building trust and long-term relationships
    Hourly rates can encourage ongoing communication with clients, potentially leading to repeat business. 

  • Hassle-free payment process
    Manage your hours and project progress directly through your Fiverr order page.
    Weekly automatic payouts ensure you get paid promptly.



When it is best to work on an hourly basis

  • When the project scope is unclear and might evolve.
  • If the client wishes to ensure your availability for a long-term project.
  • When the project time estimation is above 8 hours. For less than 1 working day, it’s best to offer a fixed-price service.

How hourly works

Learn and get to know more about Fiverr’s new hourly rate option—from setting it up to getting paid.

Setting up your hourly rate

Set your hourly rate directly from your freelancer page.

Custom offers Create custom offers with hourly rates based on client requests.
Time reporting

Easily log your hours and completed tasks for each client project.

Automatic payments

Track your hours and receive automatic payments for your hourly work.


Setting and changing your hourly rates

Set your preferred hourly rate on the dedicated hourly rate setup page in your freelancer profile. This rate is optional and will be visible on your profile and in the Pro catalog search results when the "hourly rate" filter is activated.

  1. On your freelancer profile, locate the option to 'Set your hourly rate' on the left-hand menu.


  1. Enter your desired hourly rate, (allowing up to one cent after the decimal point). Click 'Save' to continue.


How to change your hourly rate 

  1. Access your profile settings.
  2. Under 'Hourly Rate,' click 'Change.'


  1. Enter your new desired rate and click 'Save.' You can also delete your hourly rate here, so it won’t be shown on your freelancer page.

  1. A pop-up notification will confirm your saved changes.

Custom offers

When sending a client a custom offer through your inbox, you will be able to choose the custom offer type. 

  1. Select the Gig you'd like to set up an hourly custom offer for (the Gig title will be shown as part of the offer).

  2. Click  'Hourly' to create a custom hourly offer and get paid by the hour.

  3. Set up an hourly offer including the following:
    a. Hourly rate
    b. Add a weekly hour limit according to what is discussed with the client (optional): it’s recommended to communicate with the client the expected amount of hours you plan to work each week to increase transparency and project alignment.
    Note: the client will be able to change the weekly limit once the order is placed.
    c. Time estimation on the work: Provide the client with an estimated total number of hours (minimum of 8 hours) for the project. This transparency can help increase trust.
    d. Custom offer expiration (optional)

  4. Click on “Send offer”.


Time reporting


How to report work hours

  1. You will be able to report the hours you worked manually on the order page.
    Note: Hours must be logged in each week by Sunday, 23:59 UTC.  

  2. Once you're in the activity tab, find and click the button labeled 'Report hours.'

  3. Fill in the details:
    • In the 'How many hours did you work' section, select the total time you worked from the dropdown menu. You can include both hours and minutes.
    • Briefly describe what you accomplished during those reported hours in the 'What did you complete during the reported hours' section.
    • Add a more detailed description of your work and attach any relevant files to provide additional context for the client. Files can include a screenshot of the work you’ve done, an hours tracking report from an external tracking app, or the delivery itself.
    • Please provide as much detail as possible, this might help us protect your work if the client files a dispute.

  4. Click the 'Submit hours' button.


How you will get paid, handle disputes, and end orders



Order completion and payments 

  • Once you submit your weekly report, your client is automatically charged every Monday.
  • Clients can dispute the weekly report within 72 hours (by Thursday).
  • If the client hasn’t disputed the report after 72 hours, the weekly report will be marked as completed.
  • The funds will be added to your balance within 7 days from order completion (by the following Wednesday or Thursday (according to your timezone).
  • Withdraw your earnings using your usual method. Learn more about how to withdraw your earnings with this article.
  • If the client disputes the weekly report, you will be required to accept or decline their request within 48 hours. You can offer the client a full or partial refund. Learn more about partial refunds with this article
    Note that if you haven't responded within 48 hours, the weekly report will be canceled automatically. 

How to end an hourly order

  1. Ending an order can be done by the freelancer or client by clicking the sidebar and choosing “End order”.

  2. After the order was ended by you or the client, you will have 24 hours to log the hours in. The client will then be charged on the following Monday.

Important: After its initial launch, there will be limitations on working hourly from your mobile. You will only be able to track the project's progress. If you experience any issues, make sure to update your Fiverr app to versions: iOS: 3.43 | Android: 4.1.3.



  1. What happens if the client’s payment doesn’t go through?
    In hourly orders, you will be paid for the time you log in your weekly report in case the client’s payment fails, as long as your reported hours meet Fiverr’s requirements and you comply with Fiverr’s Terms of Service. The funds will be available in your account in the next weekly payment cycle. 

    This doesn’t apply to non-hourly orders, client disputes, cancelation requests, or chargebacks, as well as any cases of fraud and/or misuse of Fiverr terms. Fiverr reserves the right to determine which hours reports are eligible and to exclude instances of abuse, fraud, or any other inappropriate activity.

  2. What happens if the client decides to cancel midway through the hourly project?
    Once the client ends the order, you will have 24 hours to log in any additional hours you have worked on. The client will be charged the following Monday. 

  3. Does this mean I have to switch to hourly pricing? Or can I keep my fixed pricing model? The hourly pricing model is an optional addition to your current fixed rate model. If it isn’t relevant to your expertise or services, you don’t have to adopt it.

  4. What happens if I don’t adopt hourly rates?  
    Not to worry, it’s just another way to work and expand your services. 

  5. How do I know how much to charge per hour?
    For help determining your rates, refer to this article.

  6. Is it possible to set a retainer for the number of hours I’ll work?
    In this beta version, you can only work by the filter and the client can set a weekly limit.

  7. Can I set up different hourly rates for each service? (e.g. SEO consulting vs. website maintenance)
    In this beta version, you can only set up one hourly rate across the board. Your profile will display a standard hourly rate. However, should a client inquire about your services, you have the flexibility to communicate a custom hourly rate on a custom offer.

  8. Will I be able to send hourly custom offers to non-Pro clients?
    Yes, you can send non-Pro clients hourly custom offers. If your client isn’t currently on Fiverr Pro and you’re interested in switching to hourly work, please let them know that upgrading to Fiverr Pro is free, quick, and seamless.

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